
January 29, 2011


"Looking back on the things I've done
I was trying to be someone
I played my part
Kept you in the dark
Now let me show you
The shape of my heart..."

// There is very little real friendship in the world.

think of it.

sesekali jadilah kawan yang MENDENGAR

dari yang hanya BERCERITA

ambillah masa untuk memahami HATI dan

PERASAAN kawan...

kerana dia juga seorang MANUSIA...

dia juga ada rasa TAKUT...

ada rasa...BIMBANG...


dia juga ada KELEMAHAN dan

dia juga perlukan KAWAN

sebagai KEKUATAN...

jadilah kita KAWANNYA itu...

kita selalu melihat dia KETAWA...

tetapi mungkin SEBENARNYA,

dia tidak SETABAH yang kita sangka...

disebalik SENYUMANNYA itu...

mungkin banyak CERITA SEDIH yang

ingin DILUAHKAN...

disebalik KETENANGANNYA...

mungkin tersimpan seribu KEKALUTAN...

kita TIDAK TAHU...tetapi

jika kita CUBA jadi...

SAHABAT seperti dia...

mungkin kita akan TAHU...

January 24, 2011


Hey friends, special boyfriend, and my blogger's, i just want to tell u that sometimes i can be perfect to you, but sometimes i can't. there's a lot of reason why, and i lives my life for me not for other person, but sometimes i lives my life for someone else. and if u been ignored by me, there's are a few of reason why..

I’m a girl, I have emotions and screwed up mood swings, that you have to understand. I get jealous, I get irritated, I get annoyed, sometimes waaay too happy, fucking stubborn and a little childish. If you can’t like me for who I am, then don’t bother, I’m not changing for anyone.

Nobody has it easy. Everybody has problems whether its friends, family, study, money, food, or even shelter. You don’t know what they go through. Nobody is perfect, nobody deserves to be perfect. So before you start judging, criticizing, or mock, remember everybody is fighting their own war.

p/s: so to all my friends out there and to only one special boyfriend. saya minta maaf, kadang2 saya perlu pentingkan diri saya sendiri. and kadang kadang saya nak awak semua faham yang saya bukan seorang manusia yang mempunyai kelebihan diri tanpa sebarang masalah. whenever i'm hurt, i don't talk. i just wear a fake smile, tell everything's ok even thought i want to cry.i ignore text, i let the phone ring, i log off facebook, its nothing personal, but people need to realize that sometimes i just don't want to talk.